I can't seem to avoid ending up behind cars touting fish on their bumpers. Apparently some of these fish stand for Jesus, some stand for Darwin (the ones with little legs), and some stand for Christianity eating Darwin (a sticker of a Jesus fish eating a Darwin fish, which seems to
unknowingly say something about natural selection).
This is what I see. This is visual culture on a day to day basis.
We define ourselves by fish on our bumpers. My question is thus, what use does the contemporary left (the people who, I have to assume, sport these Darwin fishes on their cars) have for Darwinism?
I understand that many people who consider themselves politically liberal support Darwinism because they see it as the opposite of the know-nothing brand of Christianity. Marx
himself, while he was quite disparaging about the English literary approach of Darwin, accepted "On the Origin of Species" as a refutation to "the opiate of the masses"-religion.
What is interesting to me is that Darwin polished and presented the idea of survival of the fittest. The idea that the strongest and most adaptable species survive to pass on their seed. Does, as Kropotkin suggested, mutual aid (to put it plainly, helping each other out) have a significant role in Darwin's theories? Do the the social policies of the left (which I myself am a big supporter of) have a role in Darwinism?
I understand the danger of confusing Darwinism with Social Darwinism. But the question remains.
I seem to continuously run into texts that suggest we humans are not so grounded in our political beliefs. Populists on the right and left certainly tend to be birds of a feather, as presented in my upcoming video essay. The hard line creationist religious right and post-modern pushing academic left have forged, in the words of Ricard Dawkins, "a pernicious alliance". Darwinists with Darwin fishes on their Prius and Christians with Jesus fishes on lifted semi trucks seem to both unthinkingly have some perverted things in common. Namely, they both have a love-hate relationship with Darwin (though neither seem to know it).
The right would twist his words to promote social Darwinism, making it alright for the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer. The left twist the same words to eschew religion completely.
My degree in anthropology leads me to this exceedingly erudite conclusion- we are one confused species. Or, even more academically speaking, big brain=big befuddlement.
This is very interesting. Some nice fish for thought, if you will.
ReplyDeleteI especially enjoy the graphic.
ok here's my non-academic comment:
ReplyDeleteYay Vonnegut!
I have a darwin fish on my jeep because my landlady has a jesus one and I got it just to spite her. Now, I know that's not probably why you expected me to go out a buy such a thing (sure, I believe in some Darwin, but not when it comes to structuring our society around evolutionary standards), but yeah, I'm irrational and so are lots of other people that put either fish or fish-coming-outta-the water.