"Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors."-HST

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ramadan and Zizek on Egypt


  1. Why is our government constantly on the wrong side of history? Our experience backing a dictator in Egypt is typical of our foreign policy. It goes back to the 1970's when we ousted a democratically elected Allende in Chile and replaced him with the dictator Pinochet. We put into power and supported the likes of the Shah of Iran, Marcos in the Philippines, and initially Castro in Cuba and Saddam in Iraq. The Obama administration is not directly backing the people of Egypt, rather opting to have the current administration stay in power until the September elections. Our government should be a catalyst for change FROM dictatorships TO democracies, rather than the other way around.

  2. Can we really expect Egypt to have a U.S. backed democracy though? I guess we first have to worry about making sure we have democracy here and stop funding the military of Egypt and Israel. Particularly when the citizens of the U.S. are having such a hard time with the economy.
