"Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors."-HST

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Students for FC, they have a special place in my heart

Students for Free Culture Conference, NYC this Saturday!

Kevin sez, "The Students for Free Culture Conference 2011 is a gathering of student activists, intellectuals, artists, hackers, and generally interested people to discuss the latest issues in the free cultural world, with a focus on student involvement and participation. The conference will take place in New York City from February 19-20. It will feature keynotes from the creators of Diaspora, Brazilian professor and activist Pablo Ortellado, and professor and former Obama Administration advisor Susan Crawford, as well as panels on remix culture, open education, and fashion and copyright. The second day is an unconference where anyone is invited to pose a panel, discussion, gathering, or hack session. Registration is pay-what-you-want, and travel funding is available by request. See the complete conference schedule for more detail."


  1. Awesome! You going? Also, let's have a double date Indian food night! We can go out or make it, either one.

  2. Sounds wonderful! I wish I could go. I've never been to N.Y. and this would be a great excuse to go there. Are you going?
